All Events & Properties that Sync with Integrations
From follower counts to Instagram mentions, the following list includes all properties & events that Gatsby syncs with our integration partners.
The following Properties & Events apply to:
Klaviyo, Attentive, Sendlane, Omnisend, Sailthru, Yotpo Email & SMS.
The following Events-only apply to:
LoyaltyLion, Stamped, Gorgias, Yotpo Loyalty
If you don't see your integration listed above, contact us for specifics or for this doc to be updated.
1. Mentioned you which means an Instagram or TikTok Mention Event
The 'platform' metafield identifies whether the "Mentioned You" event came from an Instagram or TikTok post. You can use this property in your Segments and Flows as needed.
2. Instagram_followed_you_gatsby this event fires when this profile previously didn't follow your brand on Instagram, and then does follow you. It corresponds with the profile property below for Instagram_Follows_You_Gatsby.

3. Order_tracked_gatsby means the ambassador referred a new order through their coupon code.

Note: If your ambassador buys something for themself with their Gatsby code, the details of this event will show selfOrder: yes.
If selfOrder = yes, then that order is excluded from the count of orders_tracked_gatsby and the dollar amount is excluded from the net_sales_gatsby and sales_tracked_gatsby totals as you'll see below.
1. Coupon Name_Code_Gatsby which is the customer's coupon code you've assigned to them.
2. Custom_Tags_Gatsby which includes any "Tags" you've applied to that profile in Gatsby
3. DM_Keywords_Gatsby which shows all the different keywords or keyphrases that your Social Contacts have sent you via DM or in a Comment. Typically these keywords are used to trigger auto-replies. So this is a really powerful property to segment your subscribers by which giveaway they entered or campaign they participated in. Multiple keywords will be comma separated, so you can segment on them all.
4. Influencer_Mentioned_You_Date which is updated to show that last date of an Instagram or TikTok mention event
5. Instagram_Bio_Gatsby
6. Instagram_Firstname_Gatsby
7. Instagram_Followers_Gatsby this is the big one, their number of Instagram followers
8. Instagram_Follows_Gatsby this is the number of people they follow on IG
9. Instagram_Handle_Gatsby
10. Instagram_Lastname_Gatsby
11. Instagram_Posts_Gatsby this is the number of posts on their Instagram Profile page
12. Instagram_Profile_Image_Gatsby which is a link to their profile image
13. Instagram_Verified_Gatsby which is true if they have sent you an Instagram DM
14. Instagram_Follows_You_Gatsby this can be either true, false, or N/A. True means they follow your account, false means they don't, and N/A means they haven't sent you a DM yet and therefor Gatsby don't have this data yet from Instagram. This property relates to the event for Instagram_followed_you_gatsby
15. Orders_Tracked_Gatsby updated to show the number of Orders they have driven via their code(s). This excludes orders the ambassador buys for themself with their same email.
16. Sales_Tracked_Gatsby updates to show the amount of total sales revenue they have driven via their code(s). This excludes orders the ambassador buys for themself.
Net_Sales_Gatsby updates to show the amount of total net sales revenue they have driven via their code(s). This excludes orders the ambassador buys for themself.
For definitions on Total Sales vs Net Sales, hover over the column headers on your Sales Tracking table in Gatsby:
18. Tiktok_Bio_Gatsby
19. Tiktok_Followers_Gatsby
20. Tiktok_Follows_Gatsby
21. Tiktok_Handle_Gatsby
22. Tiktok_profile_image_Gatsby
That's it! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to open a support ticket with us and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible. Thanks!